The 11th IPR Technical Meeting supporting the implementation of the Air Quality e-Reporting system (IPR Decision 2011/850/EU) will be held from 27 March (starting at 13:30) to  29 March 2023 (ending at 13:00) in hybrid format with options to participate in person at EEA premises (Kongens Nytorv 6, 1050 Copenhagen, DK), or online (via MS Teams). Please note that the afternoon session on the 28th and the morning session of the 29thwill be dedicated to bilateral meetings that will only be open to in person participants.

A detailed agenda will be available by 14 of March from the AQ Portal in the next meetings page.
We would be grateful if you could confirm your participation, specifying whether you wish to participate in presence or online, to Ms Paulina Baran and Ms Dinah Peeters ( and Mr Luca Liberti ( by 18 March 2023.

Additional details concerning the online or in presence participation will be provided in a separate email to the registered participants.