Commission guidance
 | IPR guidance – Part I
 | IPR guidance – Part II
 | MS and EC’s Common Understanding (part I) | |
Formatting your submission
 | User guide for B to G data flows | User guide for H to K data flows
 | Code lists
 | |
Using PaPeRS, the tool to generate files for plans and programmes (H to K) | PaPeRs for H to K
 | | | |
Submit your files
 | Submission procedure
 | Repository
 | | |
Quality checks of your submission | Quality checks on submission
external link
| Checks and validation of zone geometries | | |
How is your submission aggregated
 | Aggregation | | | |
Follow and verify your submission and its processing | Monitor all data flows except E2a | Monitor all data flows except E2a NEW VERSION | Verify statistics calculation
 | Verify continuity
| E1a Tier 2
 | Package to follow and verify submission
Obsolete and will be replaced with an upgraded package in the coming weeks
| | |
Follow and verify your UTD submissions | E2a data monitor
 | E2a data monitor – country & stations
 | E2a data monitor – data processing | |
 | Next IPR technical meeting | Past IPR technical meetings | Other meetings | |