Submission and processing

 This viewer illustrates the different stages between the submission itself and the data aggregation phase:

  • column 1: checking that the number of time series which have meta-information declared in D.
  • column 2: the number of time series imported into the database.
  • column 3: the number of time series entering the aggregation process.
  • column 4: the number of aggregations calculated.

The numbers of time series appear in the tooltip displayed when hovering the ‘blocks’. Please note that the percentage provided at each step do not include the previous steps.

When selecting your country, you will have the possibility by choosing ‘Select country for E1a analysis‘ in the tooltip, to access another table which will give details by pollutant. Click on one pollutant to get details on the aggregations for this pollutant.

Select the tab ‘E1a Status‘ in the upper bar, to get back to the initial overview.